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Ocella Information:
What is Ocella?
Ocella is an oral contraceptive that combines a progestin (drosperinone) and an estrogen (ethinyl estradiol). While used primarily to prevent pregnancy, it may also be prescribed to help those women who are at least fourteen who have premenstrual dysphoric disorder (a severe form of PMS). It may also be prescribed to help control acne. When used to prevent pregnancy, it keeps an egg from fully developing so that it cannot be fertilized.
How do I take Ocella?
Ocella birth control is taken orally and comes in blister packs of 28 tablets of different colors to help with tracking usage. While most oral contraceptive programs typically begin on either the first or the fifth day of your menstrual cycle or on the first Sunday on which (or immediately after) your cycle begins, your physician will instruct you when to start taking this medication. Take all of the tablets in the blister pack before beginning a new one.
Take Ocella once a day, at the same time every day to facilitate development of a routine. To avoid nausea, especially when you first begin this medication, take the tablet with food or milk. Do not stop taking this product without notifying your physician first.
Before taking Ocella, tell your doctor if:
- You are allergic to progestin, estrogen, drosperinone, ethinyl estradiol, or other medications;
- You are pregnant, plan to become pregnant, or are nursing;
- You smoke tobacco;
- You are taking any medications, vitamins, nutritional supplements, or herbal medications including St. John’s Wort, ginseng, Warfarin, prednisone, oral steroids, and licorice;
- You are taking NSAIDs, including acetaminophen and aspirin;
- You have had blood clots in your lungs, eyes, or legs;
- You have coronary artery disease;
- You have heart disease, irregular or rapid heartbeat, or other cardio vascular conditions;
- You have diabetes;
- You have liver or kidney disease;
- You have cervical, uterine, or vaginal cancer;
- Your family has a history of heart disease, obesity, breast cancer, or high cholesterol.
What are the possible side effects of taking Ocella?
Like other forms of oral birth control, Ocella may have side effects including changes to the menstrual cycle, itching, vaginal discharge, weight change, swelling or tenderness of the breasts, problems with contact lenses, changes in skin pigmentation (including freckling). Severe side effects include chest pain, liver disease, and changes in the severity of migraine headaches; a breast lump, signs of depression, or problems with vision, balance, or speech, or disorientation are also possible. If you experience these, or other problems, contact your physician.
What if I forget to take a dose of Ocella?
Oral contraceptives work only if they are taken regularly, so missing a dose puts you at risk for pregnancy. Because each prescription will be different, it is important to refer to the directions that accompanied your Ocella birth control prescription for exact information or contact your physician for instructions if you miss a dose. While you should resume taking the tablets as scheduled, you will need to use an alternative form of birth control for seven to nine days or the end of the cycle.
How do I store Ocella?
Keep Ocella in its original blister pack away from direct sunlight, heat, and humidity. Do not get this medication wet. Do not freeze Ocella birth control tablets. Keep it out of the reach of children. Dispose of any outdated or unused amounts according to the recommendations of your pharmacist.
What happens if I overdose on Ocella?
The symptoms of an overdose of Ocella include vaginal bleeding and nausea. However, there may be other symptoms as well. If you experience these, or other unusual reactions, contact your local poison control center at 1-800-222-1222. If the patient has stopped breathing, collapsed, or is otherwise incapacitated, call Emergency Services at 911.
Smoking tobacco while taking hormone-based birth control, Ocella or any other, greatly increases the risk of heart attack, heart disease, and other cardio-vascular problems. Women over thirty-five and who smoke should not use this or any form of oral contraceptive.
If doses are missed, use other forms of contraception until the new cycle is established.
Ocella does not protect against STDs, including HIV and Aids. Oral contraceptives are not 100% effective against preventing pregnancy.
Brand Names
For birth control, Ocella is the brand name of an oral contraceptive that combines drosperinone and ethyl estradiol, and is marketed under other brand names including, among others, Zarah, Loryna, Syeda, and Gianvi. If you are concerned about the Ocella price, consider our program and using an Ocella coupon when making your purchase.

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