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Mirena Information:
What is Mirena?
Mirena is an IUD or intrauterine device that is placed inside the uterus to prevent pregnancy. Birth control IUDs like Mirena are the most effective reversible forms of birth control available. A woman may safely get pregnant immediately after a Mirena IUD is removed. It may also be used while breastfeeding. Mirena is distinct from a copper IUD and releases the drug levonorgestrel, a type of progestin, into the uterus. Very little of the hormone is actually absorbed into the bloodstream. Mirena works by preventing pregnancy the same way as other hormonal contraceptives: by thickening cervical mucus to reduce the likelihood of sperm reaching the egg and changing the uterine lining to prevent a fertilized egg from attaching. Mirena may also stop ovulation in some, but not all cases. An effective birth control, Mirena prevents pregnancy in 99.8% of cases, while copper IUDs are 99.2% effective. Mirena IUDs also result in less cramping and less menstrual bleeding than copper IUDs. Mirena must be replaced every five years to maintain efficacy as a birth control. Mirena may also be used to reduce heavy menstrual periods. For more answers regarding how Mirena works, see the next section.
How do I use Mirena?
Print your Mirena coupon from HelpRx to reduce the price by up to 82% before you buy your IUD. The Mirena IUD will be inserted into the uterus through the vagina by a health professional. No surgical procedure is required. The best time to have the IUD inserted is mid-cycle or during ovulation. An IUD may be inserted at any time, but the cervix is most dilated at this time of the month and less discomfort may be experienced at this time. To reduce cramping during and after the insertion of the IUD, your doctor may recommend you take a pain killer that you normally use for cramps one hour before the procedure. The procedure is quick and the IUD is pushed into the cervix and then opened into a T shape. Wear sanitary pads after the procedure as some bleeding may occur. One Mirena IUD will last five years. It may be removed by your healthcare professional at any time. Unless you have had the Mirena IUD inserted within 7 days after your period, you will need to use back up birth control for 7 days until enough progestin is released to protect you from pregnancy.
Before getting a Mirena IUD, tell your doctor if:
- You are prone to pelvic inflammatory infections or you currently have one.
- You are experiencing unexplained vaginal bleeding.
- You have or have had ovarian cysts.
- You have liver disease.
- You have ever had breast cancer or any other cancers of the reproductive system.
- You’ve ever had a stroke or heart attack.
- You have high blood pressure.
- You have diabetes.
- You experience migraine headaches.
- You are allergic to levonorgestrel or any of the materials from which the Mirena IUD is made.
- You are taking any medications, especially corticosteroids or blood thinners.
What are the possible side effects of a Mirena IUD?
During the first few days after Mirena is inserted, it is normal to feel cramping and experience some spotting. Your first period after the IUD is inserted may also be heavier than normal. If you continue to experience bleeding or cramping beyond a few days, call your doctor for a follow-up visit. Spotting and irregular periods may continue for up to six months. In rare cases, a pelvic inflammatory infection can develop. Tell your doctor if you have persistent pelvic or lower abdominal pain. In some cases the IUD may cause ovarian cysts, but these usually disappear on their own. You may stop having periods all together after one year. Other Mirena side effects include those that are common with hormonal contraceptives such as acne, decreased libido, weight gain, depression, breast tenderness and migraines.
What happens if I overdose on Mirena?
An overdose of levonorgestrel from a Mirena IUD is not likely. The hormone is released very slowly over time. Signs of too much levonorgestrel are the same as those from too much progesterone: dizziness headaches, sweating, muscle and back pain, nausea and vomiting, rash, and excessive vaginal bleeding. Tell your doctor if you are persistently experiencing any of these symptoms.
In rare instances, the Mirena IUD can become attached to or even perforate the uterine wall. Check the strings of your IUD regularly to make sure it’s in place. Signs that the IUD has become embedded include urinary tract infections, abdominal pain, cramping, more frequent and painful menstruation, and blood in urine. Sometimes, there are no symptoms. If you experience any of the above symptoms, schedule an appointment with your doctor. It is best to schedule a follow-up appointment between one and three months after insertion to make sure the IUD is remaining in place.
Brand Names
Mirena is the only birth control IUD available that uses the drug levonorgestrel to prevent pregnancy. This keeps the cost of Mirena high. Use our printable Mirena coupon in your pharmacy to get up to 82% off the cost when you buy your IUD.

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