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Mircette Information:
What is Mircette?
Mircette is a birth control drug containing two female hormones: desogestrel (a progestin) and estrogen (ethinyl estradiol). These hormones prevent ovulation, make vaginal fluid thicker, and change the lining of the uterus, all of which help prevent pregnancy. The hormones in this medication may also make menstrual periods lighter and more regular, decrease your risk of ovarian cysts, and help clear up acne.
How do I take Mircette?
Take Mircette at the same time every day. Each package has 21 active Mircette pills, which contain both types of hormones, 2 inactive pills, which merely serve as reminder pills at the beginning of the fourth week of every cycle, and 5 pills with a low dose of estrogen only. Take the pills in the order they appear in the package, starting on the first day of your period, or the first Sunday following the beginning of your period. When you have finished one packet, start a new pack the next day.
Before taking Mircette, tell your doctor if:
- You have any allergies
- You are taking any other medications or supplements
- You believe you might be pregnant
- You have significant risk factors for heart attacks, blood clots, or strokes
- You have abnormal vaginal bleeding or a history of irregular menstrual cycles
- You have high blood pressure or heart disease
- You get severe migraines
- You have any liver or gallbladder problems
- You have a personal or family history of hormone-related cancer, or you have had an abnormal mammogram
- You have a history of jaundice caused by either birth control pills or pregnancy
- You have epilepsy
- You have a history of depression
- You have high cholesterol
- You have tuberculosis
- You have diabetes
What are the possible side effects of taking Mircette?
Because Mircette affects your hormone levels, it may cause certain side effects, including nausea, vomiting, weight changes, breast tenderness, light vaginal bleeding between periods, headache, or vaginal itching. Tell your doctor if any of these side effects last a long time or become bothersome. Stop taking Mircette and contact your doctor immediately if you have signs of a blood clot, heart attack, or stroke; depression symptoms; unusual changes in vaginal bleeding; a breast lump; liver-related problems such as jaundice, dark urine, or clay-colored stools; or swelling in your ankles, feet, or hands.
What if I forget to take a dose of Mircette?
If you miss an active Mircette pill, take it as soon as you remember, even if that means taking two doses in the same day. If you miss two active pills in weeks 1 or 2, take two pills the day you remember and two pills the day after that, and then get back on your normal schedule. If you miss two pills in week 3 or more than two active pills in any week, throw out the pack and start a new one (or keeping taking one pill every day until Sunday, and throw the pack out on Sunday). Then start a new pack and use a back-up form of birth control for at least seven days. If you miss any of the pills in week 4, throw them away; you do not need to use a back-up form of birth control in this case.
How do I store Mircette?
Keep Mircette in a dry space at room temperature. Do not keep it in the bathroom, since moisture and light can affect its composition. Do not leave your birth control medication anywhere that children or pets could reach.
What happens if I overdose on Mircette?
Taking too many Mircette pills at once may lead to sudden vaginal bleeding or severe nausea and vomiting. If you believe that you or someone in your home has overdosed, get to the nearest emergency room or call Poison Control at 1-800-222-1222.
There are many medications that can cause Mircette to work less effectively or that will work less effectively themselves in the presence of hormonal birth control, so make sure to give your doctor a complete list of any medications or supplements you are taking. Do not smoke while taking Mircette, as this increases your risk for blood clots. Keep in mind that while Mircette can prevent pregnancy when used as directed, it will not prevent the spread of sexually transmitted diseases.
Brand Names
Mircette is a branded generic drug. There are several other hormonal birth control products that contain the same combination of desogestrel and ethinyl estradiol, including Kariva, Viorele, Pimtrea, Kimidess, and Azurette. There are also many other brand name and branded generic birth control drugs that contain some combination of a progestin and estrogen. Talk to your doctor to determine what form of birth control is best for you, and use HelpRx to get a free coupon for any drug your doctor prescribes.

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