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Imitrex Information:
What is Imitrex?
Imitrex (sumatriptan succinate) is a selective serotonin agonist, specifically a selective 5-HT1B/1D receptor agonist. It narrows the blood vessels around the brain while simultaneously blocking and lowering certain neurotransmitters in order to treat migraine headaches and associated symptoms (e.g., nausea, sensitivity to light, sensitivity to sound).
Imitrex is not intended to be used for tension headaches or any headaches that are noticeably different than your normal migraine headaches.
How do I take Imitrex?
This medication is available as an oral tablet (Imitrex), a nasal inhalation spray (Imitrex (nasal), or a subcutaneous injection (Imitrex Statdose). It is taken on an as-needed basis at the onset of a migraine, and you should likely only need to take 1 dose as prescribed by your doctor. A second dose may be taken 1 or 2 hours later if the first dose was not sufficient, however, you should contact your doctor. Each dose is usually 1 pill, 1 spray, or 1 pre-filled vial for auto injection at a time. Never inject Imitrex Statdose through clothing or into a muscle or vein. It is intended for subcutaneous (i.e., just below the skin) injection only.
Before taking Imitrex, tell your doctor if:
- You are currently taking any other migraine, tension headache, cluster headache, or headache medications.
- You recently used or frequently use MAOIs for any reason.
- you have or have a history of heart disease, disorder, or other problems, including but not limited to heart rhythm disorders, high cholesterol or blood pressure, angina, heart attack or stroke (including "mini" stroke), or having or at risk of developing coronary heart disease.
- You have or have a history of kidney or liver disease, disorder, or other related problems such as diabetes.
- You have or have a history of ischemic bowel disease.
- You have depression and are taking antidepressants, especially: Celexa, Cymbalta, Effexor, Lexapro, Luvox, Paxil, Pristiq, Prozac, Sarafem or Zoloft.
- You have a seizure disorder such as epilepsy.
- You are pregnant or breastfeeding or plan to become pregnant or to breastfeed, as there is potential harm to your baby.
- You are taking any other prescription or non-prescription drugs, supplements, medications, or vitamins.
What are the possible side effects of taking Imitrex?
Some Imitrex drug side effects are severe and require emergency medical attention. If you experience any of the following, seek medical aid immediately: hallucinations, fainting, loss of coordination or balance, speech or vision problems, confusion or agitation, overactive reflexes, seizures, sudden weakness or numbness (especially on one side), numbness with tingling and a blue color to toes or fingers, hives, sudden severe headache, difficulty breathing, fast heart rate, swelling in the lips or face, swelling in the throat or tongue, chest pain that spreads to the arm or shoulder, tightness or pain in your jaw or neck and throat, sudden and severe stomach pain, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea.
Common Imitrex side effects only need medical attention if they persist or worsen. These include: mild non-migraine headache, vertigo or dizziness, drowsiness, heavy feeling in any part of the body, the sensation of tingling under your skin, feeling either cold or hot, flushing or warmth, discomfort in your nose or throat, muscle or neck pain, muscle or neck stiffness.
Additionally, if you're taking Imitrex Statdose, you may experience bruising, swelling, redness or bruising, bleeding, or mild pain at the injection site. The nasal spray may leave an unusual aftertaste, and can cause a mild burning, numb, or agitated sensation in the nose or throat.
What if I forget to take a dose of Imitrex?
This medication is meant to be taken as needed, so there is not a dose schedule to miss. A second dose of Imitrex can be taken if the first was not effective, but you will need to wait 1 or 2 hours before doing so. Always follow your doctor's instructions regarding how to handle your Imitrex doses. Never take more than your prescribed doses at once, or exceed your maximum dosage per day.
How do I store Imitrex?
Store the Imitrex drug in a cool, dry place and protect it from light. Keep this medication out of reach of children and pets and throw it out once it has expired. Expired medication is not as effective. Talk to your pharmacist about how to dispose of unused medication.
What happens if I overdose on Imitrex?
Imitrex drug overdose symptoms may include but are not limited to: convulsions, tremors or other shaking, lack of coordination, weakness, watery eyes or vision problems, skin redness, breathing problems, or blue coloring in the lips or fingernails. If you suspect an overdose, seek emergency medical attention.
Imitrex is not intended for people under 18 years of age, or for the elderly over 65 years of age. If this medication doesn't seem to be effective anymore, if you experience migraines more often, or if you need to take migraine or headache medication more than 10 days in 1 month, talk to your doctor. If you need to take Imitrex for a migraine more than 4 times in 1 month, talk to your doctor. If you take Imitrex more often than recommended or for a longer period of time than instructed, it could make your migraines more frequent or more painful.
This medication may react with certain other medications in the 24 hours before taking your dose. Talk to your doctor about what to take and what to avoid in order to make your therapy most successful.
Your blood pressure should be checked regularly while taking Imitrex.
This medication may make you dizzy or drowsy and alter your thinking or reactions. Do not perform potentially hazardous tasks such as driving until you know how you'll react.
Brand Names
Because of its singular purpose, there aren't any other brand names for standard or nasal Imitrex. However, there is a generic (sumatriptan), and other brands are available for Imitrex Statdose injection (Alsuma, Sumavel). As a specialty medication, the Imitrex retail price is very costly. We offer Imitrex patient assistance through an Imitrex coupon for 87% off at your local pharmacy. Simply click Claim Discount to print or download yours today.

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