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Hydrocortisone Information:
What is hydrocortisone?
Hydrocortisone is a generic, synthetic, topical corticosteroid used as an anti-pruritic (i.e., anti-itch) and anti-inflammatory substance. It works by replacing or supplementing certain hormones produced by the adrenal gland.
Hydrocortisone creams, ointments, or pads are topical, however hydrocortisone pills are taken orally. Other forms of hydrocortisone may be applied for rectal use, and in certain cases doctors may administer hydrocortisone as an intramuscular or intravenous injection. External applications of hydrocortisone are for temporarily treating symptoms associated to chronic skin conditions (e.g., psoriasis or eczema) as well as skin irritations from reactions to poison oak or sumac, detergents or soaps, and more. Internal applications are for treating certain forms of arthritis, thyroid or intestinal disorders, or other disorders as determined by your doctor.
How do I take hydrocortisone?
Your doctor will determine which version of hydrocortisone is best for you to treat your specific symptoms. Hydrocortisone cream or other topical versions are usually applied 1 to 4 times daily, often for 1 to 3 weeks depending on symptoms. Hydrocortisone pills are taken orally, with or without food, as prescribed.
Do not cover skin that has topical medication applied to it unless instructed to do so by your doctor, and always wash your hands after applying topical hydrocortisone.
Injections and infusions will often be administered by medical personnel, however, if you have been prescribed either for at-home use, follow your doctor's directions explicitly.
Before taking hydrocortisone , tell your doctor if:
- You have had an allergic reaction to other steroids or corticosteroids.
- You currently have an infection, especially a fungal infection.
- You have needed to use steroids or corticosteroids long term before.
- You have any open wounds, including sunburns, or otherwise chapped or irritated skin.
- You plan to use certain products such as hair dyes, hair removers, or harsh soaps in the near future.
- You are pregnant or breastfeeding or plan to become pregnant or to breastfeed.
- you are taking any other prescription or non-prescription vitamins, supplements, drugs or medication, especially blood thinners, MAOIs, arthritis medications, or oral contraceptives.
- You have recently had or plan to have surgery, even dental surgery.
- You have or have a history of heart problems or disease, including high blood pressure.
- You have myasthenia gravis.
- You have any major illnesses such as tuberculosis or AIDS.
- You have or have a history of kidney, liver, or thyroid problems, disease, or disorder, including diabetes.
- You have gastrointestinal problems or disease, including ulcers.
- You have medical allergies, especially to drugs containing sulfites.
- You or someone in your home plans to receive a vaccination or immunization, especially for tuberculosis, measles or chicken pox.
- You are currently eating a special diet.
- You have or have a history of herpes eye infection.
- You have osteoporosis.
- You have a mental illness or you are taking medications for one.
- You have a neurological disorder with seizure, or you are taking anti-convulsants.
- You are allergic to yellow food dye (tartrazine).
What are the possible side effects of taking hydrocortisone?
Side effects for this medication can vary based on which form you are prescribed. Discuss potential side effects with your doctor or pharmacist.
Some side effects will require immediate medical attention. These severe side effects may include: allergic reactions (hives, difficulty breathing, swelling in the face and lips, swelling in the tongue and throat), skin rash, feeling tired or insomnia, illness or infection that lasts a long time, muscle weakness or pain, puffiness in your face, weight gain, swelling in the legs or ankles, uneven heartbeats, seeing "halos" around lights, eye pain, blurred vision or other vision problems, unusual bleeding, tarry or black stool.
What if I forget to take a dose of hydrocortisone?
If your doctor has you on a hydrocortisone dosing schedule, you may take or use the missed dose as soon as you remember it. However, if it is almost time for your next dose, skip the missed dose and maintain your dosing schedule.
How do I store hydrocortisone?
Store hydrocortisone at room temperature and away from excess moisture, heat, or light (e.g., a bathroom). Follow any additional instructions on the packaging of your particular hydrocortisone product.
What happens if I overdose on hydrocortisone?
Risk of overdose from topical hydrocortisone is minimal. However, if you suspect an overdose for injected or ingested hydrocortisone, call your local poison control center or emergency medical services immediately.
This medication will not treat fungal or bacterial infections, nor will it cure a viral infection. Having a fungal infection may indicate you need to use a different medication.
Talk to a doctor before using the topical form on a child, as they absorb medication more easily.
Use hydrocortisone only as prescribed and for as long as prescribed. If your symptoms do not improve by the time you are supposed to finish using hydrocortisone, or if your symptoms get worse at any time, contact your doctor immediately.
Do not stop using this medication without talking to your doctor, even if it appears your symptoms have gone away. Oral versions of this medication in particular could cause uncomfortable side effects.
You may need to avoid certain skin products (e.g., hair removers, hair dye) while using the topical medicine. Discuss with your doctor what is best. Avoid getting this medicine in your eyes. If it does, rinse your eyes immediately.
Orally administered hydrocortisone may increase your risk of ulcer. Hydrocortisone may make you more susceptible to illnesses. If you notice signs of injury or infection, notify your doctor.
If you have diabetes, you may have to test your blood-sugar levels more often than usual while using this medicine.
Brand Names
Hydrocortisone is a generic used by many brand names and combination products. A-hydroCort, Cortisol, Cortef, and Preparation H are but a few hydrocortisone brands. As the generic, hydrocortisone is already very affordable, but we can help you can take another 81% off the hydrocortisone price at your local pharmacy. Simply click Claim Discount to download or print your free hydrocortisone coupon.

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