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Estarylla Information:
What is Estarylla?
Estarylla is an oral contraceptive containing two female hormones: ethinyl estradiol (an estrogen) and noregestimate (a progestin). These hormones help prevent pregnancy by stopping ovulation, causing the cervical mucus to thicken so that it is harder for sperm to reach an egg, and changing the uterine lining so that it is harder for a fertilized egg to attach.
How do I take Estarylla?
Take the first pill in the packet on either the first day of your period or the first Sunday after your period begins, depending on what your doctor tells you to do. Continue taking 1 pill per day, at the same time every day, in the order they appear in the package. Once you finish a package of pills, start the next package the next day. Always refill your Estarylla prescription before you run out.
Before taking Estarylla, tell your doctor if:
- You have any food or drug allergies
- You are taking any other prescription or non-prescription medications or supplements
- You think you may be pregnant or have missed two periods in a row
- You are a smoker
- You have heart disease, angina, or high blood pressure
- You have abnormal vaginal bleeding
- You have diabetes with or without complications
- You have liver or kidney problems
- You get severe migraines
- You have had jaundice during pregnancy or while taking birth control pills
- You have a personal or family history of hormone-related cancer, or you have had an abnormal mammogram
- You have epilepsy
- You have gallbladder disease
- You have a history of depression
- You have a history of irregular menstrual periods
What are the possible side effects of Estarylla?
Common side effects of the drug Estarylla may include nausea, weight gain, irregular menstrual bleeding (especially for the first several months), breast tenderness, or vaginal itching. Side effects usually go away as your body adjusts to the medication. Stop taking Estarylla and contact your doctor immediately if you experience signs of a stroke, blood clot, or heart attack; liver problems; new or worsening migraines; swollen ankles, feet, or hands; a breast lump; or symptoms of depression.
What if I forget to take a dose of Estarylla?
If you miss an active pill (one of the first 21 pills in the package), take it as soon as you remember, even if that means taking 2 pills in the same day. If you miss 2 active pills in a row during the first 2 weeks of the packet, take 2 pills for 2 days until you get back on your normal schedule. If you miss 2 pills in a row during Week 3, or if you miss 3 or more of any of the active pills, throw out the pack and start a new one. You should use a backup form of birth control for at least a week. Do not worry about missing pills in Week 4, as these are hormone-free pills that are merely meant to serve as a dosing reminder.
How do I store Estarylla?
Keep Estarylla at room temperature, away from heat and moisture. Do not store it in the bathroom. Keep it out of reach of any pets or children in your home. Throw out any expired or unused medicine according to your pharmacist’s instructions.
What happens if I overdose on Estarylla?
If you believe that you have overdosed on this hormonal drug, go to the nearest emergency room or call Poison Control at 1-800-222-1222.
Tell your doctor if you have any existing risk factors for blood clots, such as smoking. Do not smoke while taking Estarylla. Keep in mind that while birth control drugs like Estarylla are over 99% effective at preventing pregnancy, they will not prevent the spread of sexually transmitted diseases.
Brand Names
Estarylla is a branded generic form of Ortho-Cyclen. Other birth control drugs that contain the same hormone combination include Mono-Linyah, Previfem, Mononessa, Sprintec, and Mili. There are many hormonal birth control options available, so talk to your doctor to determine what’s best for you. Remember to check HelpRx for coupons on any contraceptive your doctor prescribes.

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