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Rebif Information:
What is Rebif?
Rebif is an injectable drug that helps treat forms of relapsing MS, and it helps patients reduce replaces and delay the accumulation of physical disabilities. This breakthrough MS medication has been proven to help delay the progression of disabilities like weakness, tremors, visual impairment, and fatigue. The active ingredient in Rebif, interferon beta-1, works to control abnormal immune systems responses caused by MS, helping minimize flare-ups and slow down the progression of disabilities.
How do I take Rebif?
Rebif is injected under the skin three times per week, with a 48-hour period in between each dose. Your doctor will recommend the best way to start the treatment depending on your medical history and current health condition.
Before taking Rebif, tell your doctor if:
- You have a history of depression or suicidal behavior
- You have liver problems
- You have cardiovascular disease
- You drink alcohol
- You are pregnant or plan to become pregnant
- You are breastfeeding or plan to breastfeed
What are the possible side effects of taking Rebif?
The most common side effects associated with Rebif include muscle aches, fever, tiredness, depression, chills, chest pain, stomach pain, seizures, changes in liver blood tests. Contact your doctor right away if you experience difficulty breathing or an abnormal heart beat. Report all side effects to your doctor to avoid serous health complications.
What if I forget to take a dose of Rebif?
If you miss a dose of Rebif, simply skip it and take it during your next scheduled dose. Do not double up on Rebif to make up for a missed dose or take two doses within a 48-hour period.
How do I store Rebif?
Rebif should be stored in a refrigerator with a temperature between 36 to 46 degrees Fahrenheit. You can safely store Rebif injections in a room with a temperature below 77 degrees Fahrenheit. Do not expose this medication to extreme heat or cold as it may change the chemical composition of the medication.
What happens if I overdose on Rebif?
If you overdose on Rebif, contact local emergency services immediately at 911 or call Poison Control at 1 (800) 222-1222.
Medications like Rebif should be taken with caution by patients with a history of depression. Depression, suicidal ideation, and suicide have been reported by patients who take Rebif.
Brand Names
Rebif is a brand name medication that is available at the pharmacy with a valid prescription. To help lower the high cost of prescription medications like Rebif, use a coupon from HelpRx that helps reduce pharmacy prices by up to 75%. You can find this offer for Rebif by clicking ‘Claim Discount’ on our page. Remember to present this offer to your pharmacists every time you fill your prescription to save on Rebif.

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