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Orthovisc Information:
What is Orthovisc?
Orthovisc is a combination of ingredients that mimic the fluid naturally produced by the body to surround joints. It helps keep joints lubricated and can absorb shock from running, jumping, climbing, and other high-impact activities. Sufferers of osteoarthritis find that less friction in the joints reduces the amount of pain they feel on a regular basis.
How do I take Orthovisc?
The drug Orthovisc is administered in 2 mL increments intra-articularly into the knee once a week for 3 to 4 weeks. Efficacy is usually observed after 3 treatments, but no difference in the sensation or relief of pain has been found in singular treatments of less than a full 3 injection cycle. Patients should avoid any strenuous activity for at least 48 hours after injection.
Before taking Orthovisc, tell your doctor if:
- You are pregnant, planning to become pregnant, or nursing
- You are taking any prescription or nonprescription medicine
- You are taking an herbal preparation
- You are taking any dietary supplements
- You have allergies to medicines, foods, or other substances
What are the possible side effects of taking Orthovisc?
Use of Orthovisc has been associated with several common side effects, including mild bruising, heat sensation, redness, swelling, or pain at the site of injection, temporary achiness, and temporary knee inflammation. If these symptoms worsen or if you experience signs of an allergic reaction, seek medical help immediately.
What if I forget to take a dose of Orthovisc?
Since Orthovisc is typically administered by a healthcare professional, it is difficult to miss a dose. However, if you do miss a dose of your medication, contact your doctor to help create a new dosing schedule.
How do I store Orthovisc?
Typically, Orthovisc is stored and handled only by medical professionals. Should you use Orthovisc at home, follow the directions for storage provided by your physician. Keep Orthovisc out of reach of children and pets.
What happens if I overdose on Orthovisc?
Since the drug Orthovisc is administered by medical professionals, an overdose is not likely. If you suspect overdose or notice any extremely severe side effects, call Poison Control at 1-800-222-1222 or get to an emergency room immediately.
If you find that Orthovisc has floating particles, has become discolored, or the vial has been damaged or is cracked, do not use the medication. Avoid disinfectants that include ammonium before and after use of Orthovisc. Dispose of syringes properly after use.
Brand Names
Orthovisc is the brand name of the generic hyaluronan. It is not marketed under any other brand names. Keep the price of Orthovisc as low-cost as you can with the assistance of a HelpRx Orthovisc coupon or discount card. Savings are on-the-spot, and our coupons and cards are always reusable.

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