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Fragmin Information:
What is Fragmin?
Prescription Fragmin is a blood-thinning injection that is used to prevent blood clots. Depending on your condition, Fragmin may be recommended if you have deep vein thrombosis or pulmonary embolism following prolonged bed rest after a surgical procedure. Fragmin can also be administered before blood clots form if the patient is bed ridden and is at risk for developing deep vein thrombosis. Fragmin belongs to a group of medications called antithrombotics, which work by thinning the blood to prevent serious cardiovascular events.
How do I take Fragmin?
A doctor or nurse usually administers Fragmin, but some patients can administer the injection with careful instructions. If you are administering Fragmin at home, you should inject the stomach area while folding the skin. Remember to choose a new application site on the stomach or thigh region every time you inject Fragmin. It is important to follow doctor’s instructions very carefully when injecting Fragmin to avoid possible injury
Before taking Fragmin, tell your doctor if:
- You are allergic to Fragmin
- You have an active stomach ulcer in the small intestine
- You have suffered from brain a brain hemorrhage
- You have septic endocarditis
- You have a history of heart attack or stroke
- You have uncontrolled blood pressure
- You are taking other blood thinning agents
- You have a brain tumor
- You have severe liver or kidney failure
What are the possible side effects of taking Fragmin?
The most common side effects patients report after injecting Fragmin include bruising, bleeding and pain at the injection site, and blood collection under the skin. Uncommon side effects include increase levels of potassium, red skin, rashes, itching, and other allergic reactions. You should report all side effects to your doctor right away, and seek immediate medical help if you experience chest pain or shortness of breath after injecting Fragmin.
What if I forget to take a dose of Fragmin?
If you forget to take a dose, tell your doctor or pharmacist. Do not double up on Fragmin to make up for a missed dose or it may cause severe adverse reactions.
How do I store Fragmin?
Store Fragmin injectable in a room below 77 degrees Fahrenheit. Do not expose Fragmin to extreme heat, cold, or moisture, and keep away from children.
What happens if I overdose on Fragmin?
Call your doctor or 911 right away if you overdose on Fragmin as it may cause severe side effects.
Do not take any medications that thin blood like aspiring as it may increase the effect of Fragmin. Avoid allergy medications, vitamin C or antibiotics while taking Fragmin as they may reduce the effectiveness of the treatment.
Brand Names
Fragmin is a brand name medication manufactured by Pfizer Pharmaceuticals. There are no generic equivalents to Fragmin approved by the FDA. We encourage patients to use our Fragmin coupon to help reduce prescription costs up to 75%. Access our offer by clicking ‘Claim Discount’ on the Fragmin drug page.

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