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Cetrotide Information:
What is Cetrotide?
Cetrotide is an injectable medication that contains a gonadotropin-releasing hormone antagonist. GnRH antagonists are used to inhibit surges of hormones that cause ovulation to begin prematurely. Premature ovulation results in eggs that are unable to accept fertilization. Cetrotide blocks the effects of GnRH on the pituitary gland, which in turn suppresses the actions of hormones that induce ovulation. This action is also useful in treating hormone-sensitive cancers in the breast and prostate.
How do I take Cetrotide?
The drug is administered usually by injection from a qualified physician but can be administered by patients as well. Patients receive either multiple 0.25 mg daily injections or only a single-dose 3 mg injection under the skin. Treatment is intended to span 4 days. The medication is sold in volume enough to be used for all 4 days.
Before taking Cetrotide, tell your doctor if:
- You have kidney disease
- You are pregnant or nursing
- You are allergic to mannitol
- You have had an allergic reaction to other gonadotropin-releasing hormone medications
What are the possible side effects of taking Cetrotide?
Less serious, common side effects of Cetrotide include: headache, nausea, redness, bruising, itching, or swelling at the site of injection. Contact your healthcare provider immediately if you encounter these severe side effects: bloating, stomach pain, severe nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, rapid weight gain, little or no urination, pain when breathing, increased heart rate, or shortness of breath.
What if I forget to take a dose of Cetrotide?
Cetrotide can be administered by the patient or a doctor. Administration by a medical professional reduces the risk of missing a dose. If you miss a dose, notify the healthcare provider in charge of your treatment. He or she will be able to formulate a schedule that will maintain the effects of the therapy.
How do I store Cetrotide?
Cetrotide should be stored in its container at room temperature, between 59 and 86 degrees Fahrenheit. Use the syringe and needles only once, then dispose of them properly. If it is available, use a medical waste disposal bag when disposing of used syringes and needles.
What happens if I overdose on Cetrotide?
Call Poison Control at 1-800-222-1222 or seek immediate emergency help, preferable at an emergency room.
The use of Cetrotide has been known to cause Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome (OHSS). Contact your doctor immediately if you experience any of the symptoms listed as severe under the side effects section.
Brand Names
Cetrotide is the brand name for the generic cetrorelix acetate. It is marketed exclusively under the brand name Cetrotide. If you are beginning fertility treatment and want to save money on your injections, get your Cetrotide discount coupon or card today and enjoy immediate savings.

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