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Novarel Information:
What is Novarel?
Novarel contains hCG, a hormone that is given to promote ovulation in women who are not ovulating that wish to become pregnant. It cannot be used successfully in women who are infertile due to ovarian failure. Before using hCG, menotropins (LH and FSH hormones) should be injected.
How do I take Novarel?
Your doctor will tell you exactly when to inject Novarel based on the schedule of previous fertility treatments. Your doctor or pharmacist will show you how to mix Novarel before injecting. Follow your doctor’s instructions to ensure the proper dose is mixed. Another person should help you administer the injection. Novarel should be injected into the muscle of the upper buttock just below the hip. Sanitize the injection site before and after the injection. Your doctor or pharmacist will tell you how to properly dispose of vials and syringes.
Before taking Novarel, tell your doctor if:
- You have any history of heart disease or heart failure.
- You have any allergies or are allergic to any of the ingredients in Novarel.
- You have kidney disease.
- You have asthma.
- You have seizures.
- You get migraine headaches.
- You are breastfeeding.
What are the possible side effects of taking Novarel?
Possible side effects from using Novarel include pain at the site of injection, headache, and feeling tired or restless. If any of these side effects are severe or don’t go away, tell your doctor. Serious but rare side effects that you should report to a doctor immediately include chest pain, slurred speech, weakness or numbness on one side of the body, swelling and/or pain in the abdomen, confusion, or signs of an allergic reaction.
What if I forget to take a dose of Novarel?
If you don’t use your dose of Novarel on the day that your doctor specifies that you inject it, call your doctor and ask him or her what to do.
How do I store Novarel?
If unmixed, Novarel can be stored at a room temperature between 59 and 77 degrees Fahrenheit. If the powder has already been mixed with the solution, the vial should be stored in the refrigerator for up to 30 days. Be sure the solution is brought to room temperature before injecting.
What happens if I overdose on Novarel?
There are no reports of Novarel overdose. Since this medication is prescribed as a single dose, overdose should not be an issue. If you are experiencing serious side effects, seek emergency treatment.
In rare cases, Novarel can cause more than one egg to be fertilized at once leading to the birth of twins, triplets or more.
Brand Names
Other brand names for Novarel include Pregnyl. The generic name is hCG. Browse our site for discount coupons for Novarel and any of your fertility drugs, and save as much as 75%.

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