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Azasan Information:
Azasan is an antimetabolite drug. It helps prevent organ rejection by suppressing the body’s immune system. It is most commonly prescribed to stop the body from rejecting a kidney transplant, but it is also sometimes prescribed to treat rheumatoid arthritis, a condition that occurs when the immune system attacks the body’s tissues.
Follow your doctor’s dosing instructions; your exact dose will depend on the condition you’re treating and your response to treatment. To reduce your likelihood of experiencing an upset stomach, take your Azasan doses with food. Keep all appointments with your doctor; you will need frequent blood tests.
Before taking Azasan, tell your doctor if:
· You have any food or drug allergies
· You are taking allopurinol, a blood thinner, or a blood pressure medication
· You have liver disease
· You currently have any bacterial, viral, or fungal infection
· You have received a kidney transplant
· You have recently been treated with any chemotherapy drugs
· You are breastfeeding, pregnant, or planning a pregnancy
Mild Azasan side effects may include upset stomach, loss of appetite, nausea, diarrhea, skin rash, and hair loss. If you have mild side effects that persist or worsen, tell your doctor. Contact your doctor right away if you have any signs of lymphoma, including fever, weight loss, upper stomach pain, easy bruising or bleeding, lightheadedness, shortness of breath, rapid heart rate, or feeling full without eating much. You should also call your doctor immediately if you have any unusual changes in your mental state, impaired vision, or problems with speech and coordination, as these may be signs of a viral infection of the brain. Other rare but serious side effects that need medical attention include mouth sores, liver problems, painful urination, and flu-like symptoms.
Take the missed dose as soon as possible once you remember, unless it’s almost time for another dose. In this case, skip the missed dose. Never take two doses at the same time or close to the same time.
Keep your bottle of Azasan tablets tightly sealed and out of reach of children. Store your medication at room temperature, removed from high heat, moisture, and bright light.
Overdosing on Azasan may lead to severe side effects. If you think that you or someone in your home has overdosed on this drug, get emergency medical attention right away.
Azasan may increase your risk of getting skin cancer. Avoid tanning beds and always wear protective clothing and use sunscreen when you plan to be outside. Because Azasan inhibits your immune system, you should avoid being near people who are sick while taking this drug. Let your doctor know right away if you develop any signs of a new infection. Don’t get any live vaccines while taking this medication.
Brand Names
Azasan is only available under this one brand name. While there may not be a cheaper equivalent, keep in mind that you can still reduce what you pay by up to 20% when you use a HelpRx Azasan coupon. Print, email, or text yourself one now.

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