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Zostavax Information:
What is Zostavax?
Zostavax is a freeze-dried, attenuated, live VZV vaccine that was developed to reduce the chances of developing herpes zoster or shingles. This vaccine is mainly beneficial to adults over the age of 60 who are more susceptible to catching this virus. Anyone who has had chicken pox is able to get shingles later in life. Shingles is caused by the same virus that causes chicken pox, varicella zoster virus (VZV). This virus remains in the body for life and can reemerge again in the form of shingles at any time. The body’s immune system usually keeps the virus under control, but shingles can develop when the immune system is compromised due to aging, immunosuppressive therapy, stress, illness, or other factors. Zostavax has been shown to reduce the incidence of shingles by over 50% and also to reduce the cases of postherpetic neuralgia that often accompanies shingles.
How do I take Zostavax?
Use one of our free Zostvax coupons to reduce the cost when you buy your vaccine. Zostavax is given by a health professional at your pharmacy or clinic. The vaccine is only needed to be given once. It is given under the skin, usually in the arm. It should not be injected into the muscle or veins. Do not take aspirin, salicylic acid, or products that contain aspirin such as cold medicine for six weeks after having this vaccine.
Before getting a Zostavax, tell your doctor if:
- You have a weakened immune system or immune disorder such as cancer, HIV, and others.
- You have had shingles in the past.
- You are allergic to other vaccines, neomycin, gelatin, or any of the ingredients in this vaccine.
- You are currently ill or have an infection.
- You are taking other medications, especially immunosuppressive medications or treatments such as a corticosteroid or chemotherapy.
- You have received a live vaccine in the past month.
What are the possible side effects of taking Zostavax?
Side effects from the Zostavax vaccine include redness, swelling, itching, or soreness at the site of injection, slight fever, headache, mild rash, and diarrhea. If you experience a fever over 102, have an allergic reaction, or show signs of infection, contact your doctor at once.
Zostavax is not to be used in children. Varivax is provided as a vaccine against the chick pox virus for children and young adults. Talk to your healthcare professional about any medications you will be taking during the six weeks following your vaccine. Try to avoid close contact with anyone that has a weakened immune system, including a newborn infant, after receiving this vaccine.
Brand Names
Other brand names for Zostavax include Varivax which is for children. There are no other brand names available besides these. Search HelpRx for a Zostavax coupon to reduce the cost of the Zostavax vaccine by up to 81%. Also search for Varivax coupons and get up to 72% off the price.

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