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Leukeran Information:
What is Leukeran?
Leukeran is a chemotherapy drug. It fights cancer by slowing or stopping cell growth. It is most commonly used to treat some types of leukemia and lymphoma, including Hodgkin’s disease. It is also sometimes used to treat certain blood diseases.
How do I take Leukeran?
Take your Leukeran tablets with plenty of water. Follow the dosage schedule that your doctor has prescribed; your exact dosage will depend on your condition, but most people who need this medication take it for a treatment period of three to six weeks. Keep all doctor’s appointments during your treatment period, as your blood will likely need to be tested regularly.
Before taking Leukeran, tell your doctor if:
- You are allergic to this or any other medications
- You are taking any other prescription or non-prescription drugs or supplements
- You have used this medication in the past without success
- You have undergone radiation or chemotherapy treatment within the past four weeks
- You have kidney or liver disease
- You have a history of head injury
- You have a history of seizures
- You have a blood disorder
- You have gout
- You are breastfeeding or pregnant
What are the possible side effects of taking Leukeran?
Leukeran may cause upset stomach, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and loss of appetite. Talk to your healthcare provider about changes you can make to reduce the likelihood of nausea, and let your doctor know if you have any side effects that last a long time or get worse. Contact your doctor right away if you have any serious side effects, including muscle problems, coordination problems, tremors, mouth sores, back or side pain, joint pain, painful or frequent urination, easy bruising or bleeding, dark urine, jaundice, seizures, or difficulty breathing.
What if I forget to take a dose of Leukeran?
If you forget to take a dose of the Leukeran drug, call your doctor to find out what to do. Your doctor may need to establish a new dosing schedule for you.
How do I store Leukeran?
Store your Leukeran tablets in a childproof container in the refrigerator. Keep your medication away from bright light and moisture. If you no longer need this medication or it has expired, ask your pharmacist how to safely dispose of leftover tablets.
What happens if I overdose on Leukeran?
Overdosing on Leukeran can be dangerous and may cause seizures. If you believe that you or someone in your household has overdosed, get emergency medical attention.
Leukeran may cause you to bleed more easily, so be careful around sharp objects and avoid activities where there is a high risk of bruising or bleeding (such as contact sports). This medication can also affect your immune system, so avoid coming into contact with anyone who is sick or has an infection, and don’t get any live vaccinations without your doctor’s permission. Leukeran can pass into bodily fluids, so if you have a caregiver, make sure they wear rubber gloves when handling soiled clothing or linens.
Brand Names
Leukeran is a brand name drug, and there is no cheaper generic equivalent at this time. However, keep in mind that you can lower the Leukeran retail price using a coupon from HelpRx.

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