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Lacrisert Information:
What is Lacrisert?
Lacrisert is a hydroxypropyl cellulose insert that is used to treat dry eyes when other treatment options (such as eye drops) haven’t worked. It may also be used to treat decreased corneal sensitivity or corneal inflammation exposure. When placed in the eyes, it provides lubrication and reduces dry eye symptoms such as itching, burning, and general irritation.
How do I use Lacrisert?
Your doctor should show you how to correctly place and remove the Lacrisert inserts using a special applicator. Make sure you are comfortable placing the Lacrisert inserts in your eyes before you leave your doctor’s office. Replace the inserts as often as your doctor has instructed you to, usually once or twice a day. Avoid rubbing your eyes when the Lacrisert inserts are in, as this may dislodge them. If an insert falls out, replace it with a new one.
Before using Lacrisert, tell your doctor if:
- You have any food or drug allergies
- You are taking any prescription or non-prescription drugs or supplements
- You have recently had an eye infection or injury
- You recently had or will be having eye surgery
- You are breastfeeding, pregnant, or trying to become pregnant
What are the possible side effects of using Lacrisert?
Serious Lacrisert side effects are unlikely, but the inserts may temporarily cause blurred vision, tearing, sensitivity to light, or sticky eyelashes. Tell your doctor if your blurred vision lasts a long time, or if you have any other vision changes. Get emergency medical attention if you experience severe eye irritation, pain, redness, or worsening of your condition.
What if I forget to use a dose of Lacrisert?
If you forget to replace your Lacrisert inserts when you normally do, replace them as soon as you remember.
How do I store Lacrisert?
Store Lacrisert inserts at room temperature, out of reach of children and pets. Do not remove inserts from their packaging until you’re ready to place them in your eyes.
What happens if I overdose on Lacrisert?
You are not likely to overdose on Lacrisert, but the inserts may be harmful if swallowed. If you or someone in your home has swallowed Lacrisert inserts, call Poison Control at 1-800-222-122 to find out what to do.
Because Lacrisert can cause temporary vision changes, you should avoid driving and performing any other tasks that require clear vision until you know you can do so safely.
Brand Names
At this time, Lacrisert is only available as a brand name product. If you are concerned about the cost, remember to get a Lacrisert coupon from our site. Bring it to your pharmacy every time you fill your prescription for a discount of up to 75%.

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