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Gardasil 9 Information:
What is Gardasil 9?
Gardasil 9 is a vaccine that the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recommends for all girls and boys ages 11 to 12 (however, it can also be given to women up to age 26 and boys of up to age 15). It helps prevent certain strains of HPV, which can cause genital warts or cancer of the cervix, anus, vulva, or vagina.
How do I use Gardasil 9?
Gardasil 9 comes as an injection that is administered by a healthcare professional. It is given in a series of 3 injections, with the second injection given 2 months after the first and the third injection given 6 months after the first. It is important to receive all 3 shots in to receive the maximum protection offered by this vaccine.
Before using Gardasil 9, tell your doctor if:
- You are allergic to yeast or have any other allergies
- You are taking any other medications, especially medicines that can weaken your immune system
- You have a condition that causes a weakened immune system
- You are pregnant, breastfeeding, or planning a pregnancy
What are the possible side effects of use Gardasil 9?
Serious side effects of Gardasil 9 are rare, but you may experience a headache, fever, or swelling and redness at the injection site. Some people also report feeling faint immediately after receiving an injection. Contact your doctor immediately if you experience easy bruising or bleeding, a tingling sensation, painful swallowing or a sore throat, difficulty breathing, chest tightness, a fast heart rate, or extreme drowsiness. If you experience any side effects with your first injection, tell your doctor about them before you receive the second injection.
What if I forget to use a dose of Gardasil 9?
If you miss an appointment to get a Gardasil 9 shot, call your doctor to schedule another one.
How do I store Gardasil 9?
Since Gardasil 9 is administered in a healthcare facility, there should be no need to store the medication yourself.
What happens if I overdose on Gardasil 9?
You are not likely to overdose on Gardasil 9 since it is administered in a carefully controlled setting.
Some people report feeling faint within the first 15 minutes after getting a Gardasil 9 injection, and a small percentage of people have experienced seizure-like reactions after getting their first shot. Your doctor may ask to monitor you for 15 minutes after your first injection to make sure you don’t have an adverse reaction. While Gardasil 9 protects against HPV, it will not protect against any other sexually transmitted diseases. Getting vaccinated for HPV does not replace routine pelvic exams or Pap smears.
Brand Names
Gardasil 9 is only available as a brand name vaccine. It is similar to the original Gardasil; however, it protects against additional HPV types. If you or your child needs this vaccine but you are concerned about the cost, remember to get a Gardasil 9 coupon from HelpRx. You can reuse this coupon for each vaccine injection.

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