A new study published in the Journal of Infectious Diseases and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recommend antiviral Tamiflu for pregnant women to prevent flu-related complications. Tamiflu contains active ingredient oseltamivir phosphate, which works by biding to a viral enzyme to prevent the spread throughout the body. The flu virus is a serious respiratory infection that causes symptoms like fever, chills, body aches and pains, severe cough, and sore throat.
Among some of the risks that pregnant women face in complicated cases of the flu virus include lengthy hospitalizations that can lead to death, and premature birth that can compromise the development and health of newborns. Even if women are healthy, the CDC warns that the slightest change in immune system, heart, or lung function can complicate cases of the flu. The new research study involved 865 women across 14 states with the flu virus. Researchers observed women with the flu and administered Tamiflu at two different stages of the virus.
Tamiflu Shortens Hospital Stays in Pregnant Women
The study aimed at determining the effectiveness of Tamiflu observed 63 severely ill pregnant women in the hospital. What the study found was that the average hospital stay among pregnant women who were severely ill with the flu was around 2.2 days when the antiviral Tamiflu was administered within two days of initial symptoms. However, women who took Tamiflu at later stages of the flu had an average hospitalization of 7.8 days. Researchers noted that women who had less severe cases of the flu and were administered Tamiflu at the beginning stages had shorter hospital stays when compared to later administration of the antiviral.
Tamiflu Box of Capsules
Antivirals and Flu Vaccines Are Recommended
Based on the results of the study, the CDC recommends pregnant women to take antiviral drugs like Tamiflu at the first sign of flu symptoms to prevent life-threatening complications. Other recommendations by the CDC stress the importance of pregnant women getting the flu shot early in the season to prevent complication such as premature birth. The CDC notes that the flu vaccine is safe for pregnant women, and that it shields the newborn children from the virus during the first 6 months of life.
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