Anxiety disorder is a mental illness that affects around 40 million individuals in the US alone, and it has distinct effects on the body depending on severity and type. To a certain extent, every individual experiences some type of anxiety during their lifetime, but for some, the symptoms of this disorder can be debilitating and can make it difficult to perform simple, everyday tasks.
Anxiety disorder symptoms vary depending on the individual and the severity of the disorder. Anxiety in general, however, can cause common persistent fear and worry over situations that do not pose a threat. In people with an anxiety disorder, there are certain physical and emotional symptoms that manifest when anxiety is triggered:
Physical symptoms:
- Sweating
- Pounding Heart
- Upset Stomach
- Dizziness
- Diarrhea
- Shortness of Breath
- Tremors and Twitches
- Headaches
- Insomnia
- Fatigue
- Muscle Tension
Emotional symptoms:
- Irritability
- Restlessness
- Feeling Tense
- Anticipating the Worst
- Feelings of Apprehension or Dread
- Watching for Signs of Danger
If you experience any of these symptoms, a doctor can help you diagnose generalized anxiety disorder by conducting a physical exam to evaluate your current health condition for potential underlying causes of this disorder. To examine your overall health, your doctor might run blood and urine tests to examine other possible causes and to help prescribe the appropriate treatment.
Treatment for Anxiety
Patients who are diagnosed with general anxiety disorder are often given prescription alprazolam, commonly known as Xanax, to treat symptoms that inhibit an individual from performing simple tasks. Alprazolam is a cost-effective drug that works by reducing abnormal brain activity and slowing down the nervous system to decrease the physical and emotional symptoms of general anxiety disorder.
Some of the most common side effects patients experience while taking alprazolam include dizziness, drowsiness, insomnia, low energy, light headedness, memory impairment, nausea, vomiting, and fainting.
Natural Ways to Enhance Treatment
Because alprazolam can be addicting, there are many natural ways to reduce anxiety that can lower you chances of developing a drug dependency or addiction. Since alprazolam should be taken intermittently or for shorts periods of time, it might make it difficult for some individuals with severe anxiety to deal with the symptoms. The following activities and natural supplements can help supplement Xanax during the periods of intermission from treatment.
Exercise: Being active while taking alprazolam can help reduce anxiety by elevating depressed moods in individuals. Exercise does not have to be particularly rigorous, just 10 minutes of physical exercise like walking can significantly decrease depression, and improve the overall mood of an individual taking alprazolam.
Sleep: Getting a full 7 to 8 hours of sleep nightly can help significantly reduce anxiety symptoms by allowing the body time regenerate healthy nervous system functions that can be affected by not getting enough sleep. While alprazolam can cause insomnia, meditation, limiting alcohol and caffeine use while on the mediation can help alleviate nights of insomnia.
Lavender: Oils and other products containing lavender can significantly reduce anxiety with the various calming properties that help soothe the body. The use of lavender before bedtime or during periods of anxiety attacks can help the body calm itself, and can prevent the nervous system from inducing panic attacks
Decluttering: Having physical clutter surrounding your work and living environment can trigger anxiety attacks without you even knowing it. The sense of security that clutter brings can be used as a mechanism for dealing with severe anxiety, but can also trigger severe panic attacks. To avoid this, declutter your environment to allow yourself space to breathe and think comfortably, and it might curb your next panic attack.
Alprazolam is a powerful medication that helps sufferers manage acute anxiety and panic. With these tips to naturally reduce anxiety as well as your prescribed medication, you can help relieve some of the unnecessary anxieties you suffer from.