Anxiety is a natural body reaction that occurs when we sense danger, and it manifests into feelings of nervousness, fear, apprehension, and worrying. For some individuals however, these feelings can manifest in extreme ways that can debilitate and can interfere with everyday life. Generalized anxiety disorder causes irrational, persistent and overwhelming feelings of dread in social situations, panic attacks, irrational fear over objects, places or stations, and reoccurring nightmares or flashbacks to traumatic events that occurred in the past.
To help diagnose a general anxiety disorder, a psychiatrist can conduct a physical exam to inspect for physical signs of anxiety related to other underlying medical conditions. Another method to diagnose anxiety involves conducting a psychological questionnaire that overviews the patient’s feelings and behavior to get a sense of the severity of the condition. If diagnosed with general anxiety disorder, doctors can recommend psychoactive drugs like Valium or Xanax that help reduce irrational feelings of distress in everyday situations. While both drugs can help patients with anxiety disorder, the way that both medications function can help treat different conditions in various ways.
Valium or diazepam can help treat patients with generalized anxiety, muscle spasms, seizures, and alcohol withdrawal symptoms. Valium works by inhibiting neurotransmitters the in brain to reduce irrational feelings of distress. One of the key differences between the two medications is that Valium is a longer acting medication that can treat uncontrollable fear due to anxiety, and it can be administered to children ages 3 and older. Also, inn patients with alcohol addiction, Valium can help safely reduce withdrawal symptoms that can cause headaches, nausea, tremors, anxiety and hallucinations.
The side effects patients experience taking Valium include muscle weakness, dizziness, drowsiness, slurred speech and incoordination. Taking Valium as directed by your doctor can minimize these side effects. The average price for generic Valium, diazepam, is around $25 depending on pharmacy location.
Also known as alprazolam, Xanax is a mediation that can treat generalized anxiety, panic disorders, and anxiety related to depression. Xanax works by slowing down the central nervous system to reduce feelings of irrational fear that can debilitate the body. Unlike Valium, Xanax takes effect immediately and metabolizes in the body quickly to provide short-term relief for panic attacks associated with anxiety. Another key factor that differentiates the two medications, is that Xanax is approved for panic attacks, and may treat depression symptoms in adult patients 18 years of age and older.
Some of the most common side effects patients experience while taking Xanax include drowsiness, dizziness, insomnia, memory problems, poor balance or coordination, slurred speech, trouble concentrating, and irritability, To avoid these possible adverse effects, patients should take Xanax as prescribed by their doctor and disclose medications that may interact. The average price for Xanax is around $70, and may vary depending on pharmacy location.
To get more information about anxiety medications like Valium and Xanax, visit our Anxiety Conditions Page.